Contact Us GMP Training for API (Bulk Drugs)
For officers in various sections of the firm.

GMP Without worry and hurry (level I course)
Duration : two days
Duration : two days
- Rationale behind GMP for bulk drugs
- Differences in bulk drugs and formulations
- Requirements of : Personnel, Premises, Equipment, Sanitation Cleaning, Hygiene, Documentation, Production and Distribution, Quality Control
- Improvement and progress in GMP
- Contribution of bulk drug in the quality of formulation
- A effective vendor - buyer relationship
- GMP a continuous ongoing effort
Coverage : New Schedule M Compliance

GMP Without worry and hurry (level II course)
Duration : two days
Duration : two days
- Intention behind GMP and current status in the country
- Relevant definitions
- Requirements of various aspects of GMP per ICH guidelines
- Training
- Deviation control
- Validation studies
- Stability Study
- Self audits
- My role and goal in quality
- Producing a safe pure and effective product consistently
Coverage : ICH Q7A Compliance

GMP Module for workmen in English, Marathi or Hindi Duration : one day
- Concepts and evolution of quality; My role and goal in quality
- Who is my customer and what are his requirements and expectations
- What is G M P and its relation with quality
- Benefits for self and the organization on implementation of G M P
- Information on requirements of Buildings, Facilities, F D A and its role in health care; Hygiene in work area, for machine and equipment, change-overs, containers and closures, status labels and product labels with relevant documentation
- Avoiding Contamination, Cross- contamination, mix-ups and errors
- Our role at the time of preparation and during F D A inspection
- Attitude and G M P ; Action plan and Follow-up
Coverage : Skill Competency Awareness

We provide GMP training per requirements of the organization in the areas as under : WHO, TGA, MHRA, MCC, HPFB, US, FDA, EU, PICS & ICH
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