Diploma in GMP – Gmp Training Course
iploma in GMP is a unique GMP correspondence course (DISTANT LEARNING) which shall add value to your profession and shall prove to be a right choice for growth and progress in your career.In today’s competitive world, it is crucial for all of us to stay updated with current GMP norms and trends of all the Regulatory Agencies. In addition, due to hectic schedules of industrial life, it becomes extremely difficult to take out time to find information and gain knowledge. But, if all the authentic information, along with practical tips, is made available to us effortlessly,majority of our job is done.
Keeping this need of the industry in mind “Insight’s Professional Management Academy” is offering a post graduate Certificate correspondence course ‘DIPLOMA in GMP’( Good Manufacturing Practices ) since last eighteen years. The response from the industry is very encouraging and it inspires us to offer more and more information and knowledge to all pharma professionals. Past students opine that this is a comprehensive, practical, useful and ‘only of its kind’ course.
We are now pleased to announce two batches every year commencing from the months of January and August respectively.
The methodology is developed keeping in mind students convenience with online course material, internal submissions and online exam.Please find attached brochure for the same. Trust you find it in order. Should you need any other information or clarifications please feel free to revert.
Limited intake, admissions on first come first serve basis!

Course Commences
January 1
Admission Closes
December 31
Prospectus Available from
September 15
Course Commences
August 1
Admission Closes
July 31
Prospectus Available from
June 15
Insight’s Professional Management Academy
‘Sadhana’, Plot No. 13, Managaldham Society,
Near Ekalavya Polytechnic, Survey No 52,
Kothrud, Pune – 411038. India.
Tel : +91 20 25368620 / 25361165 (telefax)
Cell : 09822208197.
Email : dgmpipma@insightcgmp.com, dgmpipma2000@gmail.com, insight.shirgaonkars@gmail.com
Duration : 10 months
Eligibility : B.Pharm, M Pharm, BSc., MSc., B Chem, M Chem, Doctorates in science disciplines, BE, DE and Professionals working in the pharma industry as chemical engineers, commerce graduates working in stores and other personnel with relevant experience from various departments, Final Year B. Pharm / M Pharm Students may also apply.
Procedure to obtain prospectus : Please send DD payable at Pune or cheque payable at par of Rs. 350/- drawn in favour of “Insight’s Professional Management Academy” on the address mentioned above. After obtaining the prospectus, please fill in the complete admission form along with prescribed attachments to reach us on or before Dec. 31 for Batch I or July 31 for Batch II.
Advantages of enrolling for this course
Awareness in GMPs of international norms, personal growth tool, practical knowledge and skills, enhances your placement chances, future career planning and advancement, benefits you and your organization equally!
Syllabus Synopsis
- Quality : definition, evolution, attributes, concept and specific aspects for pharmaceutical products
- GMP and its relationship with quality basics to specifics,
- History of GMP and its evolution and progress
- Progress of GMP with current status regulatory status and trends of various regulatory agencies with important milestones
- Interpretations and applications of GMP in line with National and International GMP regulations and standards
- Requirements, scope, objective and principles and practices of GMP with emphasis on GMP requirements of WHO ,TGA, MHRA, MCC, HPFBI, PICS, EU, ICH, USFDA and the new Schedule M.
- Obtaining International GMP Certification and maintaining the GMP continuum
- Principles of Quality Assurance and Quality management Systems
- Principles and Practices of Good Laboratory Practices
- Extensive Validation Studies and Techniques ( including qualification studies, installation, operation, performance (4Q approach from DQ-PQ), V model of GAMP, cleaning and analytical methods validation) with particular emphasis on HVAC and water systems validation
- Good Documentation Practices, water systems, stability studies
- Advances in GMP, Training and Auditing in GMP, Handling international GMP audits effectively and successfully
- Implementing GMPs in your organization, and getting the most out of quality by maintaining the GMP continuum
Details are provided in the prospectus
Students Feedback .... Encouraging Words....
A Fantastic and very informative course.
I walked away with more knowledge and information than what I had expected.
The information, Presentation, exam and stress on details enriched me.
There is only one word and that is ‘excellent’.
Well Planned and arranged.
And straight from the heart.
Email received from one of the students of our fourth batch
Dear Sir /Madam,
Thank you very much for organising a worthy and nice arrangement during examination. Also thanks for your kind co-operation during the session and Viva . Its a pleasant experience for me to exchange the views with such sound knowledgeable personality ( Mr. Paranjpe and all ) and I feel its possible only by your wonderful teamwork. I am highly inspired by all GMPs note/ standards to create, implement, and compile in the guideline given by you as study materials/ CD). I appreciate everyone’s of your team relentless effort and working round the clock for the preparation of these type of useful study materials for GMP perception. I personally wish the GOD for success of your esteemed organization having awareness of cGMP and recent regulatory requirements.
Thanking you for your kind co-operation and tremendous effort towards the GMP.
With best regards,
Shri Marfatia
Asst. Manager QA Wockhardt, Ankleshwar